Business Coaching is about You Implementing

Your Best Ideas

Coaching leads to success that was previously unattainable.

Business Coaching

Business Owners, Executives and Managers

A coach is knows the right questions to ask of you about your decisions, so they are the best possible for you. Then will hold you accountable to your decision, even when you get busy and forget.

Sort through the strategies that work for you and keep your your people motivated. Find simple measures that make sense to you and tell you the health of your business. Set your goals and work out the growth strategy. Become clear of how to promote and grow sales.


Staff Training

Your Key Employees and Team Working With You

Do you want your team working together and more effective in their role?
Do they sell effectively, can the process be improved.
With a coach your team will learn to appreciate their individual differences how to and use those differences to be more effective and more profitable.

Personal Coaching

For Personal Success and Career Advancement

Invest in your most important asset- Yourself.
Why is it that some people get the great jobs, have happy marriages, and build a personal fortune; while equally talented people just get by?
Investing in being coached will guide you to the success in your career and life that you want.
Are you ready to invest in yourself to can live that life you always dreamed of, but have never achieved?

A business will perform significantly better when using a coach.

  • We learn Best when we think of it Ourselves.

Your coach asks the Questions that get you Thinking

  • Sometimes we just don’t have a clue.

Your Coach introduces new Ideas and Concepts

  • Sometimes we “Can’t see the forest for the Trees”

Your coach points out the Obvious that no one else has the Courage to tell you.

  • Sometimes it seems the Worlds is against you.

Your coach is there to support you.



From the blog

Lessons in Staff Management from the Stock Market
Like many other people I have some investments in shares. Recently I happened to come across a book by Daryl
When is 8 hours 2 hours?
A client called, a little frustrated She asked did I have any figures on how much it costs when you
How to understand people and predict their behavior.
My favorite coaching tool is DISC profiles. Whats disc do?. Disc predicts peoples behavior preferences, That’s behavior preference , not
How do you get new ideas?
David Richmond is an accountant, he is also on the board of the Bendigo Business Council. He asked “Jim you

Structure of success

Ideas should always bounce.....

It is the coach's role to be that person you can confidentially bounce those ideas off.


Your coach has many resources, some of the most useful are:

Disc Profiling

Print Profile

mBIT Technique


Understand the behavioral motivation of those around you.

Get in touch with using your “Gut Feel”

Proceed with the Confidence experience is on your side

Business help

We all need help to move up

ICF Logo

Member of The International Coach Federation to Guarantee Standards and Ethics


Professional coach with specific coach training and documented coaching experience.

30 Years Business Experience

30 Years hands on experience  running small businesses.

Invest in education

Coaching,  Engineering, Education Qualifications. Lifetime of learning in small business courses.



Read the kind words from happy clients


A business coach for me was like engaging an independent umpire. Deep down I knew the things I needed to do but I was never going to make any real decisions until I heard it from someone else who was able to provide me with impartial judgements.

Tony P.